I was listening to the radio (well, Volume on SiriusXM) on my way to work this morning and was shocked to find out that Are You Experienced? was released in the UK 50 years ago today, May 12, 1967. (It would be released in the US 3 months later). I don’t recall exactly when Hendrix first came onto my radar but I do know he has been there for a long time now. Hendrix is high on my list of musicians/bands I wish I would have been around to see back in the day.
Fave song on the UK album: Red House. Fave song on the US album: The Wind Cries Mary
Also on this day, May 12, 45 years ago (!!!!) The Rolling Stones Exile on Main St. was released. I wouldn’t come to find out about the songs on this album until a couple decades later due to The Black Crowes covering some of them. When I eventually went back to listen to the original, and every time I’ve played it since, it always put me in a Happy mood (pun intended). Side note: Since September 2010, every time I hear Happy, it always makes me think of friends of mine who used this song at their wedding.
Fave song: Toss up between Rip This Joint, Loving Cup, Happy, man, it’s hard to narrow it down as each song makes me feel something different. Which to me, is the best part about listening to music.
Talk about a great day in music. Also released on this day, May 12, 1992, The Southern Harmony and Musical Companion by The Black Crowes. HOLY COW! 25 years ago!? Prior to this, I had already been exposed to The Crowes with their first album, which I played often and loudly. This album though was next level. For years I claimed my fave Crowes albums were in order of release date, but more and more as the years go by, I always seem to come back to this one.
Fave song on this album: My Morning Song… and because I can’t pick just one Hotel Illness as well.
Found this video from 2013…I was there!